ICE NINE KILLS: Tour in den Mai verschoben

ICE NINE KILLS müssen ihre für Februar geplante "Wurst Vacation Tour" in den Mai verschieben. Neuer Termin für Stuttgart ist der 13. Mai im LKA/Longhorn. Bereits für den 18. Februar gekaufte Karten behalten ihre Gültigkeit.
Die Band zur Verleggung: “Spencer’s current “legal “situation” (as documented in the recently released “Welcome to Horrorwood” video) has unfortunately necessitated a bit of scheduling change. LA County prosecutors have mandated Spencer remain in the United States until his trial date, at which point he will be free to travel to Europe for the Metallica and re-scheduled Wurst Vacation dates from April 28th through June 18th, 2023. We, of course, apologize for any inconvenience this causes our fans, but you can rest assured this new plan will up the body count and set INK up to deliver you more murder, blood and gore than ever before”